About Housing Transitions QUERI
Implementing and sustaining Critical Time Intervention (CTI)
to support housing transitions for homeless-experienced Veterans
In partnership with the Grant Per Diem (GPD) National Program Office, Housing Transitions QUERI aims to implement and evaluate Critical Time Intervention (CTI) in 32 GPD case management aftercare grantee sites in 7 VISNs across the nation over 4 years. The aftercare program provides grant funding for time-limited case management services, for homeless-experienced Veterans undergoing housing transitions, with the goal of improving the retention of housing by Veterans who are transitioning to permanent housing from programs such as GPD or VA’s Healthcare for Homeless Veterans (HCHV) Contracted Residential Services Program.
At present, there is significant practice variation across case management aftercare grantee sites. Critical Time Intervention (CTI) is an evidence-based, structured, and time-limited case management practice. Housing Transitions QUERI aims to identify effective practices to spread and sustain CTI, and evaluate their associated costs, in the GPD case management aftercare program.
Implementation / Evaluation Strategies
Housing Transitions QUERI will support 32 GPD case management grantee sites with a stakeholder-informed implementation strategy called “Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA).” Half of these sites will also receive additional tailored support (“coaching”) to adopt and incorporate CTI into their routine care process. The impacts of "T&TA" versus "Enhanced T&TA" will be compared in order to understand which strategy works better. It is hypothesized that Enhanced T&TA will have higher costs than T&TA alone but will result in stronger CTI fidelity and sustainment, as well as improved Veteran housing stability and decreased hospitalizations.
Housing Transitions QUERI will support 32 GPD case management grantee sites with a stakeholder-informed implementation strategy called “Training and Technical Assistance (T&TA).” Half of these sites will also receive additional tailored support (“coaching”) to adopt and incorporate CTI into their routine care process. The impacts of "T&TA" versus "Enhanced T&TA" will be compared in order to understand which strategy works better. It is hypothesized that Enhanced T&TA will have higher costs than T&TA alone but will result in stronger CTI fidelity and sustainment, as well as improved Veteran housing stability and decreased hospitalizations.
Anticipated Impacts
- CTI training and technical assistance (T&TA) for 107 VA and GPD case management aftercare grantee staff affiliated with 32 GPD case management aftercare grantee sites in VISNs 1, 10, 12, 19, 20, 21, and 22, collectively serving 2,040 Veterans each year.
- Improved housing stability and decreased hospitalizations among Veterans in the GPD case management aftercare program.
- Improved Veteran and case manager experiences with services provided in the GPD case management aftercare program.
Products for Program Partners
- A business case analysis of the costs, cost offsets, and non-financial benefits of CTI implementation in the GPD case management aftercare program, comparing REP versus Enhanced REP as approaches to support CTI implementation.
- An online implementation playbook that includes CTI training and technical assistance materials, an external facilitation guide, implementation tip sheets, leadership briefings, and answers to frequently asked questions.